Winona–Montgomery County Airport is in the time zone: America/Chicago (UTC -06:00 hours) |
Sunrise: 07:00 H | |
Sunset: 17:19 H | |
Moon phase: Waning moon |
Airport | Distance |
Greenwood–Leflore Airport KGWO/GWO | 33 km |
George M Bryan Airport KSTF | 82 km |
Cleveland Municipal Airport KRNV | 100 km |
Panola County Airport KPMU | 101 km |
University Oxford Airport KUOX/UOX | 103 km |
Golden Triangle Regional Airport KGTR/GTR | 106 km |
Joe Williams Naval Outlying Field KNJW | 114 km |
Mid Delta Regional Airport KGLH/GLH | 116 km |
Fletcher Field KCKM/CKM | 118 km |
Bruce Campbell Field KMBO/DXE | 121 km |
ICAO: | K5A6 | |
Longitud: | -89.73 |
Latitud: | 33.47 |
Altitude: |
Sunrise & sunset in the coming days for Winona–Montgomery County Airport:
Date | 19.01. | 20.01. | 21.01. | 22.01. | 23.01. | 24.01. |
Sunrise | 07:00 | 06:59 | 06:59 | 06:58 | 06:58 | 06:58 |
Sunset | 17:19 | 17:20 | 17:21 | 17:22 | 17:23 | 17:24 |
METAR weather observation for Winona–Montgomery County Airport from H (local time):
The measured temperature is , the dew point is at . The relative humidity is calculated to
The wind is blowing at a speed of from the direction: . The wind gusts reach a maximum speed of .
The METAR weather station data reports an observation of the following weather events: NO SIGNIFICANT WEATHER EVENTS OBSERVED.
The following information was reported on cloudiness: NO DATA RECEIVED.
Airport weather forecast TAF
Aerodrome forecasts for international airports and regional aerodromes are issued in the TAF (Terminal Aerodrome Forecast) code format. For flight preparation, TAFs serve as the internationally standardised aeronautical meteorological forecast needed to decide on the meteorological usability of an aerodrome as destination or alternate aerodrome during a certain time period. TAFs are quality-controlled, monitored forecasts that are created based on con- tinuous weather observation. They are only produced if a sufficient number of observation data of satisfying quality is available.
Visibility is a measure of the horizontal opacity of the atmosphere at the point of observation and is expressed in terms of the horizontal distance at which a person should be able to see and identify: in the daytime, a prominent dark object against the sky at the horizon; at night, a known, preferably unfocused, moderately intense light source.
Surface Visibility is the greatest visibility, taken at the surface, equaled or exceeded throughout at least half the horizon circle.
Wind direction
The true direction from which the wind is blowing at a given location (i.e., wind blowing from the north to the south is a north wind). It is normally measured in tens of degrees from 10 degrees clockwise through 360 degrees. North is 360 degrees. A wind direction of 0 degrees is only used when wind is calm.
Wind roses typically use 16 cardinal directions, such as north (N), NNE, NE, etc., although they may be subdivided into as many as 32 directions. In terms of angle measurement in degrees, North corresponds to 0°/360°, East to 90°, South to 180° and West to 270°.
N | North | 0 ° |
NNE | North-Northeast | 22,5 ° |
NE | Northeast | 45 ° |
ENE | East-Northeast | 67,5 ° |
E | East | 90 ° |
ESE | East Southeast | 112,5 ° |
SE | Southeast | 135 ° |
SSE | South Southeast | 157,5 ° |
S | South | 180 ° |
SSW | South Southwest | 202,5 ° |
SW | Southwest | 225 ° |
WSW | West Southwest | 247,5 ° |
W | West | 270 ° |
WNW | West Northwest | 292,5 ° |
NW | Northwest | 315 ° |
NNW | North Northwest | 337,5 ° |
N | North | 360 = 0 ° |
Cloud cover
The unit of measure for cloud cover is the Okta. Cloud cover is measured on an eight point scale, 0 Oktas being clear sky , one Octa being 1/8 of the sky covered in cloud, and so on up to 8 Oktas - completely overcast.
FEW (few) | 1/8 - 2/8 | ||
SCT (scattered) | 3/8 - 4/8 | ||
BKN (broken) | 5/8 - 7/8 | ||
OVC (overcast) | 8/8 |
METAR & TAF Definitions of meteorological terms: Aviation Weather Center (NOAA) & DWD
Precipitation | ||
RA | Rain | |
DZ | Drizzle | |
SN | Snow | |
SG | Snow grains | |
GR | Hail | |
IC | Ice crystals | |
PE | Ice pellets | |
UP | Unknown precipitation | |
GS | Hoar frost / small hail / snow pellets |
Obscuration | ||
BR | Mist | |
FG | Fog | |
FU | Smoke | |
HZ | Haze | |
VA | Volcanic ash | |
DU | Widespread dust | |
SA | Sand | |
PY | Spray |
Other | ||
PO | Dust or sand whirls | |
DS | Duststorm | |
SS | Sandstorm | |
FC | Funnel cloud | |
SQ | Squalls | |
TS | Thunderstorm |
Descriptor | |
BC | Patches |
DR | Low drifting |
MI | Shallow |
PR | Partially |
BL | Blowing |
FZ | Freezing |
SH | Shower |
*(1) Code: Flight category definitions:
LIFR | Low instrument flight rules | < 500 ft < 0,15 km | < 1 mi < 0,6 km |
IFR | Instrument Flight rules | 500 to below 1,000 ft 0,15 to below 0,3 km | 1 mi to below 3 mi 0,6 to below 1,8 km |
MVFR | Marginal Visual flight rules | 1000 to 3000 ft 0,3 km to 0,9 km | 3 to 5 miles 1,8 to 8 km |
VFR | Visual flight rules | > 3.000 ft > 0,9 km | > 5 mi > 8 km |
*(2) meteo365.es receives data from more than 5,800 airports, heliports, oil platforms, etc. The nearest airports section only shows those airports for which we receive METAR weather data
*(3) NOTE: We receive the data from the AVIATION WEATHER CENTER / NOAA. Basically, the raw data is good and we prepare it visually. Of course there can always be errors and therefore the data on our website is not guaranteed and we exclude any liability. In doubt, you should reinsure yourself on the official website of the data provider.