
Weather in Andalusia on Three Kings has everything in store

Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada - Nerja sunny & 18 °C

The weather on Three Kings shows Andalusia in all its facets.

During the night, a precipitation area moved from west to east and brought local thunderstorms and significant precipitation to Andalusia. Here are all the measured values

Towards midday, the sun was able to break through from the west and while there was 30 mm of rain in Nerja in the morning, the sun was shining again in the afternoon at 18 °C.

On January 3rd, we predicted that there would be 20 cm of fresh snow in the Sierra Nevada on Three Kings. And that´s exactly what happened. So while you can sunbathe in Nerja in the afternoon, you can go skiing in the Sierra Nevada. As the crow flies, Nerja on the Costa del Sol is only 57 kilometres from Borreguiles in the Sierra Nevada. (The peak in the Sierra Nevada is the Mulhacen at 3,482 metres, making it the highest mountain on the Iberian Peninsula.)

Our current hourly forecast (updated 4 times a day) for your location for the next 10 days is available here on

Our radar with NowCast shows you what´s currently happening. Where are there currently thunderstorms and precipitation and what the path will be in the next 60 minutes. is one of the world´s leading providers of interactive weather maps. In our home market of the province of Malaga / Costa del Sol, we are by far the leading information portal for real-time weather.

Hourly measurements and daily statistics from around 800 measuring stations in Spain can be found here on

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