
Weather in Spain - There will be rain over the weekend

Sunrise in Malaga at just 18.3°C

Our weather station at Malaga airport measures only 18.3 °C at sunrise.

Late summer brings a change in weather conditions. Just in time for the meteorological start of autumn on September 1st, a low pressure is coming in from the Atlantic and this will bring rain, locally heavy rain, to large parts of the country next weekend. In the still uncertain forecast, there could be the first raindrops for the Costa del Sol.

The only thing that is certain is that there will be rain in the north-east and on the Balearic Islands, locally with the potential for severe weather.

The current hourly forecast (GFS & ICON) for your location for the next 10 days is available, updated 4 times a day, here with our animated weather maps at

The current airport weather for Malaga is available here