
Weather in Malaga - Probably no rain in the next 10 days

Did the rain bring enough water to the reservoirs?

On March 9th, 2024 there was finally another rainy day in the province of Malaga. Before the rainy day, the La Viñuela (Axarquia) and el Limonero (Malaga city) reservoirs reported a filling level of 7.99% and 19.38%, respectively.

This Monday morning, March 11, 2024, the reservoirs in La Viñuela and el Limonero report volumes of 9.34% and 19.34%, respectively.

This means that the inflow in La Viñuela is of course not enough to get through the summer safely. Things are even worse for the water supply from the el Limonero reservoir, where the water outflow is higher than the inflow despite the rain.

There is no significant rainfall in our forecast for Malaga for the next 10 days. There may be a few drops of rain on Wednesday, then 22 °C on Thursday and 24 °C on Friday.

Statistically, there isn´t much rain in Malaga after March.

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