
Weather Spain - 144 measuring stations with over 40 °C

Heat wave breaks the first 45°C mark of the year

El Granado at night

July 24, 2024 brings a very hot summer day to Spain. 40 °C or more were reached at 144 measuring stations. In El Granado, in the Andalusian province of Huelva, the thermometer even climbed to 45.6 °C, which is the highest value so far this season.

In Ecija, in the Andalusian province of Seville, 44.9 °C was measured. Following in the places are Montoro (province of Cordoba) with 44.7 °C, Almaden (province of Ciudad Real) 44.3 °C and the Moron de la Frontera Air Base (province of Seville) with 43.5 °C.

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