The month of November 2024 was the warmest November since official weather records began in 1961 on the Iberian Peninsula.
The average temperature was 12.4 °C (2.8 °C above the average for the period 1991-2020). November 2024 exceeded the previous warmest November of 1983 by 0.5 ºC.
Forecast: From October 9th, our GFS trend shows a change in the weather and it will become wintery. There will be widespread frost, locally moderate frost. In addition, snow can be expected far south. In the province of Alicante, the snow line can drop to the lowlands. Snow is also expected in the Sierra Nevada, but in any case it will be cold enough to start the snow cannons.
Our current hourly forecast (updated 4 times a day) for your location for the next 10 days is available here on
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real-time weather.
Hourly measurements and daily statistics from around 800 measuring stations in Spain can be found here on
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