
Weather in Malaga (Costa del Sol) - On Wednesday there may be rain

 Drought - Will the second half of May bring some more rain?

The reservoirs in Andalusia are suffering from the persistent drought. The level in the reservoir La Viñuela (Axarquia) has only 10% reserves. The Limonero reservoir (Malaga Capital) has a level of 34%. Statistically, there is no significant rainfall in Andalusia from June to September, so we only have the second half of May.

There could be rain on the Costa del Sol on Thursday. Not much, but 10 l/m² of rain is forecast for Malaga.

The ongoing hourly forecast for your location is available within our interactive weather maps on - We operate 18 live weather cams and 9 weather stations at the Costa del Sol (Malaga), more weather updates in real-time is impossible.