
Weather in Malaga - The forecast for Holy Week (Spanish: Semana Santa)

Forecast for Holy Week, Spanish: Semana Santa, in Málaga (Andalusia)
Picture of archive, Semana Santa in Málaga ©

The current drought is putting a strain on Andalusia. Especially the province of Malaga has been suffering from dryness this year. Missing precipitation, massive increase in agriculture, particularly the cultivation of avocados and mangos, tourism and missing wastewater treatment plants are aggravating the situation.

So, what weather can Malaga expect during Holy Week, here also known as "Semana Santa"? On Palm Sunday, the peak temperatures will reach 21 °C. From Monday to Wednesday, temperatures will amount to +- 19 °C; and up to 20 °C have been announced for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Again, there is no rain in sight and it looks like it continues to be dry. The wind will be blowing alternately from west and east, although the eastern wind #Levante might turn out stronger.

A hint for all our holidaymakers in Malaga: April 6th Jueves Santo and April 7th Viernes Santo are holidays here.

The ongoing hourly forecast for the next 10 days and numerous live cams with our own weather stations are available on