
Weather in Greece - On Sunday up to 46 °C

The intense heat wave remains

The heatwave in southern Europe will focus on southern Italy and Greece in the coming days.

On Sunday the thermometer in the Peloponees will rise up to 46 °C in the shade. Nafpoli and Argos are particularly affected. Athens will also be affected on Sunday, where we expect temperatures of up to 43 °C.

There are pleasant temperatures on the Greek islands. Daily highs of 28 °C to 30 °C are forecast on Mykonos. The wind blows constantly from the northwest. On the island of Antiparos (it's not uncommon to find Tom Hanks with his wife here) it's getting a little warmer, with daily highs of up to 35 °C possible.

The current hourly forecast (GFS & ICON) for your location for the next 10 days is available, updated 4 times a day, here with our animated weather maps at

The current airport weather for Mykonos is available here