
Weather Canada - At the 60th degree of latitude up to 32 °C

 Heavy forest fires and a heat wave in the forecast
Alberta Wildfire

An unusual heat wave is building up in Canada this week. It is getting way too hot for this time of year. For the region around Forth Smith, located on the 60th latitude like St. Petersburg, Oslo & Stockholm, highs of 32 °C are expected over the weekend.

Wildfires in Alberta: Northwest of Edmonton there are currently several uncontrolled fires covering more than 150,000 hectares. There may be some rain locally through Wednesday and hopes are high that this will help the fire fighters to contain the fires. Around 13 l/m² of rain is expected for Edson by Wednesday and up to 16 l/m² of rain for Whitecourt.

A state of emergency was declared for the province of Alberta, and more than 30,000 people had to be evacuated.

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