
Weather in Barcelona - Heavy rain and thunderstorms on Thursday

Low-pressure area brings rainfall to the dry region

A low pressure area over the Mediterranean brings thunderstorms and rain to Catalonia in these hours. There will also be heavy rain in Barcelona on Thursday. Up to 42 l/m² of rain are possible. In the coastal town of Lloret de Mar, which is also popular with tourists, it is also rainy.

We are expecting 20 l/m² of rain here by Thursday. The water temperature is 19 °C.

Travel tip for Barcelona: One of the most important elements of the Barcelona skyline is the Sagrada Familia basilica, designed by architect Antoni Gaudi. The building, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2005, was consecrated by Pope Benedict XVI on November 7th, 2018. Construction began in 1882 and continues to this day, the planned completion for 2026 seems very optimistic and probably not realistic. Along with the Prado Museum (Madrid), the Alhambra (Granada) and the Alcazaba (Malaga), the Sagrada Familia basilica is one of Spain's tourist magnets.

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